The Clone Ranger: Episode 4



Journal Entry 657

It's strange how much I'm looking forward to going to work these days. I'm on a mission to find Black Bird Unit ZY98. He has information about Jack Maltus, the man who was cloned to create me and all the other Jacks. I need to know if I'm just one of many copies or if there's something unique about me. I need to discover my true identity.

I hope to find the Bird who spoke to me at the party and see if he's willing to share what he knows about Maltus.

Finally home. What a day it's been.

I anxiously waited for my shift to end. As soon as it was over, I hurried towards G7, where I hoped to find Black Bird ZX98. The scent of freshly made soap wafted towards me even before I reached their door.

I spotted Black Bird ZX98 walking along the path between our buildings, heading home. His copper hair gleamed like a newly minted bronze coin in the sunlight.

"Excuse me," I called out. "Do you have a moment to talk?"

He nodded and led me to a quiet spot with a bench under the shade of a blossoming magnolia tree.

"What can I do for you, Jack Unit 382?" he asked.

"I want to learn more about Jack Maltus," I replied. "I want to know everything about him."

The Black Bird studied me for a moment before responding. "I can share what little I know. Jack Maltus was a good man, from what I gathered. He was fair and brave. Unfortunately, he didn't believe in the Raven way."

"What is the Raven way?" I inquired.

"The Raven way is about peace, justice, and honor," he explained.

I had no clue what he meant by that. But my purpose here was not to discuss political ideologies. I didn't care about that.

"Jack Maltus," I pressed on, "do you know if he's still alive and if there's any way I can contact him?"

The Bird shrugged. "Last I heard, he was alive, but that was years ago. If my memory serves me right, he was living on the planet Mon Scarab. As for contacting him, well, the chances are slim. Clones released from active duty are not authorized to leave their assigned planet or communicate off-world. We don't have the means for that. Even the cargo ships that arrive here are automated. So unless Jack Maltus receives clearance from Raven to pay us a personal visit, I'm afraid you're out of luck, my friend."

A sinking feeling gripped my stomach, squeezing my pounding heart.

Black Bird ZX98 looked at me for a moment, then placed a hand on my shoulder. "You don't need Jack Maltus to define who you are, Jack Unit 382."

I was stunned by how well he understood my struggle. I stared back, unable to find words. I shook my head. "I just want answers. I want to know if there's more to my existence than living, working, and eventually dying."

"Surely there is," he assured me. "How many Jack Units do you know who would deliberately seek out a Black Bird like me to have a conversation with?"

"You approached me first at the party, remember?"

"Ah, yes. I've been around longer than most other clones here on Raven 5, both Jacks and Birds. My experiences have taught me that being a unique individual has more to do with how we interact with others than our own self-perception."

"Wow. I've never heard anyone speak like that before. It seems like everyone else is searching for answers, just like me."

Black Bird ZX98 tapped his temple and said, "Our minds may have been programmed with certain preferences, talents, and even biases, but that doesn't mean we don't have choices to make. So why not choose to be different? Do something unexpected, like striking up a conversation with someone you wouldn't typically talk to at the next holiday gathering."

His words struck a chord within me. The notion of actively choosing to be different instead of always conforming to expectations was profound. Maybe he was right.

"Thank you, Black Bird ZX98," I said, rising from the bench. "It's been a pleasure speaking with you today."

"As it has been for me. Why don't you visit again sometime?"

"I will," I replied. "Farewell. United are we."

"We are united," he affirmed.


Thanks for reading Clone Ranger: Episode 4. A new episode will be coming soon.

Click here to read Episode 1

Click here to read Episode 2  

Click Here to read Episode 3

If you are enjoying Clone Ranger, you may also enjoy my full novel, Legend of Sylphar: The Silver Queen, now available at select retailers in eBook and paperback.



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