The Clone Ranger: Episode 1


I'm currently working on an episodic story called "The Clone Ranger." In the past, stories were often published in newspapers as episodes, and I'll be following this tradition by writing serialized fiction and short stories that I'll share for free on my blog.

"The Clone Ranger," revolves around Jack Unit 382, a clone who feels deeply isolated amidst a sea of identical faces. After the war, the clones were set free, expected to lead "normal" lives, but they had no idea what "normal" even meant. Struggling to find their purpose in a world where everyone is just like them, the clones yearn for a sense of individuality. This story explores how Jack Unit 382 embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to find his own identity amidst the overwhelming sameness.




Journal Entry 653

I feel utterly lost. Not in a literal sense, but as I lie in bed, waiting for the wake-up timer to sound, my mind drifts aimlessly, like an abandoned escape pod floating through the vastness of space. My existence has become devoid of meaning.

I go by the name Jack Unit 382, and I am a clone. My appearance matches that of every other Jack Unit—brown hair, grey-green eyes, and bronze skin. We try to distinguish ourselves through minor variations, like different styles of facial hair grooming. But in the end, we are all the same. The Mantis corporation created us to gain control of this region of the galaxy. I have no memories of a childhood; as far as I know, I woke up fully grown among hundreds of identical men in an encampment. My unit arrived on the planet now called Raven 5 just in time to surrender. Our authority was transferred from Mantis to Raven.

According to the agreed terms, all cloned soldiers were to be considered neutral and granted citizenship on the planet they were stationed, as long as we caused no trouble. Initially, I felt grateful that I would be spared the cold, sterile fate of execution. However, all the non-clone citizens of Raven 5 left to begin new lives elsewhere. As a result, living on a planet with a thousand other men who are indistinguishable from me has done nothing to fill the void within my soul.

The Jacks were not the only clones, though. Raven also employed clone soldiers known as Black Bird Units. They, too, looked identical, with pale faces, dusty red hair, and ice blue wolfish eyes. There's a rumor, unconfirmed by me, that the Black Birds were cloned from the deceased son of the Raven president.

In an attempt to give us purpose, the governing body of Raven 5 assigned us various jobs as farmers, goatherds, shepherds, and factory workers. I found myself working in a textile mill where we transformed wool, plant fibers, and raw silks into fabrics, shipped off to various space stations. The work itself isn't terrible, and the pay is decent. Yet, I can't shake the feeling that my life holds no real significance.

Despite being called Jack Unit 382, we all refer to each other by our numerical designations, so I am known simply as 382. The original "Jack" was supposedly a man who sold his DNA to Mantis for cloning and then retired blissfully. I've never met or seen him, but sometimes I wonder if a conversation with him would offer insight into my own purpose.

...Well, my alarm is blaring. Time for work. Another mundane day at the factory awaits.

Finally, my workday is over. Unfortunately, during my lunch break, I encountered 123 in the break room. He never fails to unleash cutting remarks about how slow, stupid, or ugly I am because one of my ears is slightly larger than the other. He believes his perfectly sequenced numerical name and proportionate body make him special. He treats the rest of us as if we are beneath him. It astonishes me how many Jacks actually buy into his perceived superiority, almost worshiping him and hanging on to his every word. But it's mostly because we're all desperate for meaning, willing to find it in trivial oddities and superstitions like the sequence of numbers in someone's name or a single freckle difference. Not me, though. 123 is just another clone. He's no different from me, and I'm no different from him. All of us share the same desire... purpose.

However, I must admit, the Black Bird workers seem to despise 123 more than any other Jack. The Jacks and the Birds don't exactly get along. Fortunately, the Birds hold no special animosity towards me. Being a nobody among the Jacks has its advantages when it comes to dealing with them.


Thanks for reading Clone Ranger Episode 1

Click here to read Episode 2  

Click Here to read Episode 3

If you're enjoying Clone Ranger, you may also enjoy my full novel, Legend of Sylphar: The Silver Queen, now available at select retailers in eBook and paperback.


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