The Clone Ranger: Episode 2



Journal Entry 654

It has been 654 days since the treaty granting our freedom was signed, coinciding with the start of a new year on Raven 5. Some of the Jacks seem excited because the day number is in reverse sequence, making it New Year's Day. Although I don't see the significance, I don't want to diminish the small joys my fellow Jacks find in life.

To observe the holiday, all factory workers, including the Jacks and the Black Birds, have been given the day off. We are obligated to attend a joint celebration this afternoon, with the consequence of losing a month's pay for refusal. Given the economic restrictions on this planet, that would be devastating. Plus, the promise of free booze serves as a decent incentive to endure the awkwardness of this gathering.

During the war, the Black Birds and the Jacks were enemies, but now, we are expected to get along as if the conflict never happened. Yet, I can't help but feel a lingering hostility towards the Birds for the lives they took from my fellow Jacks. I know I'm not alone in this sentiment. Our minds were programmed to view each other as enemies, and any physical aggression is punishable by death. There is no love lost between the Jacks and the Birds.

I'm not particularly looking forward to the party, but the time has come, and I must attend before my pay gets docked for tardiness.

Finally, it's over. To keep it brief, we survived the ordeal. The Jacks and Black Birds mostly kept to themselves, avoiding any actions that might be interpreted as an assault.

However, I did discover something about myself—I like pecans. These nuts are relatively new to Raven 5 and thrive in the Black Bird community. The Black Birds have developed quite an infatuation with pecans, but I seem to be the only Jack who shares their taste.

A few fellow Jacks thought my preference for pecans held some significance since they didn't share the same liking. As soon as 123 noticed the attention I was getting, he started spreading rumors that I was defective because of my asymmetrical ears. My fellow Jacks began to regard me with disdain. I truly despise that 123.

While the other Jacks engaged in conversation, I found myself sitting alone on a bench in the mess hall with my plate of pecans. It was then that an older Black Bird approached me.

"Greetings, Jack Unit," he said. "United are we," as was customary among the clones.

"Greetings, Black Bird Unit," I replied. "United are we."

"I see you enjoy the Black Bird's newfound favorite treat. I'm glad it pleases you. Mind some friendly conversation?"

"Not at all," I said with a shrug. "Take a seat. I'm Jack Unit 382."

The Black Bird smiled warmly as he accepted my invitation. "I'm Black Bird ZX98."

Inwardly, I sighed. His identification consisted of both letters and numbers, perfectly sequenced. I wondered if he held a sense of superiority like Jack Unit 123. However, his demeanor thus far was open and welcoming.

"I'm curious," I began. "Since Jacks are named after the person they were cloned from, could you tell me the origin of the name Black Bird? I assume it has something to do with being under Raven command, but I was never sure about your background."

"You assume correctly," Black Bird ZY98 replied. "Before Raven began cloning, they had original soldiers. One such soldier became known as the Black Bird Warrior. I've seen him, although he's old now. They say he was a formidable force on the battlefield, leading to many victories. He commanded and trained the first cloned Raven army, which is why we're known as the Black Bird Units."

"I see. You're fortunate to know your origin. We Jack Units were kept in the dark about the first Jack. He didn't want us to know much about him."

"I happen to know a bit about the first Jack," the Bird revealed. "I was one of the president's guards during the early days of the war when the first negotiation summit took place between Mantis and Raven. Jack Maltus was one of the generals at that table."

His knowledge intrigued me. I had never heard the full name of the first Jack before. I yearned to learn more. However, before I could ask my questions, a group of Black Bird units called my companion over to join them. Black Bird ZY98 rose to rejoin his fellows.

"Farewell, Jack Unit 382. It was a pleasure to meet you."

I nodded. "Likewise. Farewell, Black Bird ZY98. United are we."

"United are we."

Now, lying awake in bed, I reflect on my conversation with the Black Bird. Who was Jack Maltus? What kind of man was he? Did he share my fondness for pecans? Did he feel the same sense of loneliness? I must find out. I must discover which factory and shift Black Bird ZX98 works so that I may speak with him again.


Thanks for reading Clone Ranger: Episode 2.

Click here to read Episode 1

Click here to read Episode 3 

If you are enjoying Clone Ranger, you may also enjoy my full novel, Legend of Sylphar: The Silver Queen, now available at select retailers in eBook and paperback.



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