Prepare for Impact!

The Importance of Fiction in our Lives

When we immerse ourselves in a good book, we often find that we come away changed. Whether it's a new perspective on life, or a newfound appreciation for our own world, fiction and fantasy have a way of impacting us deeply. In this post, I want to explore the ways in which fiction and fantasy can change our lives for the better.

I sent this quote written on a birthday card to my son just before he moved into our home as a foster placement. I understood that he grew up in the system and was essentially raised by DHS and a myriad of foster homes and children’s homes. My son was alone in the world for most of his life. And yet, he still clung desperately to the hope that he would one day find a family. Part of what kept him going, he said, was his love of reading. And so one of the ways I have been able to reach out and encourage him is through the lens of fiction and to help him understand that even the “dragons” of his life can be defeated and he can be the hero.

Like dreaming, reading a work of fiction allows us to visit places that do not exist and therefore are safe places to explore new possibilities within our own minds. One of the most impactful things about fiction and fantasy is that they can help us to see the world in new ways. Often, when we're faced with the same problems day after day, it can be difficult to see things from a different perspective. But when we read about characters who are facing similar emotional challenges, we can gain a new understanding of a situation. This can help us to find new solutions to our own problems, or simply to see the world in a new light.

In addition to helping us see the world in new ways, fiction can also help us to appreciate the world we live in. When we read about magical worlds, or far-off lands, it can help us to see the beauty in our own surroundings. Often, the things we take for granted are the very things that make our world special. By reading about other worlds, we can learn to see the world we live in with new eyes.

Finally, fiction can help us to escape the everyday. When we read, we can forget about our troubles for a little while and instead immerse ourselves in another world. With a good book in hand, you can take a vacation to your safe dream world any time you desire, and it costs you nothing. Occasionally escaping from the real world can help us recharge and lower stress.


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