The Clone Ranger: Episode 3


Journal Entry 656

I stumbled out of bed this morning, skipping my usual routine. Last night's drinking had left my head spinning, but I had an urgent mission—to find Black Bird ZY98.

I walked the familiar path, the grass worn down by countless factory workers' footsteps. The looming factory emerged before me, belching smoke and emitting a foul stench. If only I could escape this job, but we were all trapped without a choice.

Just as I reached the entrance, Jack Unit 305 walked out.

"Hey, 382," he greeted me. "United are we."

"Hello, 305. United are we."

"382, it's not time for your shift yet. Is something wrong?"

"All is fine," I replied, not revealing my true intent. "I met a Black Bird Unit at the celebration yesterday, and we were having an intriguing conversation before we got interrupted. I wanted to find him and ask some questions."

"You're looking for a Black Bird?" 305's eyes widened with curiosity. "What were you discussing that piqued your interest?"

"Oh, nothing important," I said, guarding my real motive. "He has a remarkable memory and remembers events from the early days of the war."

305 shrugged. "Well, if you're looking for Black Birds, I heard there are a few stationed at G7."

"G7? What do they produce there?"

"I think it's soap," he replied. "Not that I care. I prefer to keep my distance from the Birds."

"Thanks for the tip," I said. "I'll check it out."

"Take care, 382. United are we."

"Same to you, 305. United are we."

The Birds at G7 were indeed manufacturing soap. The overwhelming smell worsened my hangover-induced agony as I approached their section of the factory.

None of the Black Bird Units showed any interest in talking to me. They ignored my inquiries about Black Bird ZY98. Finally, a younger Bird motioned me over with a sigh.

"Black Bird Unit ZY98 works here in G7," he said. "But today is his day off. Usually, his shift starts at 9:00 am."

"You get days off?" I asked, astonished. Jack units were never granted time off, except on official holidays.

The young Bird shrugged, seemingly apathetic.

Glancing at the clock, I realized my shift also started at 9:00 am. That meant Black Bird ZY98 had the same work hours as me. Tomorrow, as soon as my shift ended, I had to rush back to G7 and try to catch him before he left.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed. "United are we."

The Bird merely rolled his eyes and returned to his task.

The rest of my day followed the same monotonous routine. Work, home, dinner, journaling, and off to bed. Same old, same old.


Thanks for reading Clone Ranger: Episode 3. A new episode will be coming soon.

Click here to read Episode 1

Click here to read Episode 2 

If you are enjoying Clone Ranger, you may also enjoy my full novel, Legend of Sylphar: The Silver Queen, now available at select retailers in eBook and paperback.



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