The Clone Ranger: Episode 4

Journal Entry 657 It's strange how much I'm looking forward to going to work these days. I'm on a mission to find Black Bird Unit ZY98. He has information about Jack Maltus, the man who was cloned to create me and all the other Jacks. I need to know if I'm just one of many copies or if there's something unique about me. I need to discover my true identity. I hope to find the Bird who spoke to me at the party and see if he's willing to share what he knows about Maltus. Finally home. What a day it's been. I anxiously waited for my shift to end. As soon as it was over, I hurried towards G7, where I hoped to find Black Bird ZX98. The scent of freshly made soap wafted towards me even before I reached their door. I spotted Black Bird ZX98 walking along the path between our buildings, heading home. His copper hair gleamed like a newly minted bronze coin in the sunlight. "Excuse me," I called out. "Do you have a moment to talk?" He nodded and...