I drank a "BuzzBallz" beverage...

Last night, I drank this liquor thing called a BuzzBallz. The weird round shape is what first caught my attention while shopping at the grocery store. It sort of reminded me of the “thermal detonator” Diet Coke bottle I got at Disney. And if you know me, you’d know I’m a bit of a sucker for novelty. So when I found this little thing, I sort of shrugged and thought, “Why not? I’ll give it a try.” And ended up liking it except it made me sick. Lol. By itself, it was really too strong. It said 15% alcohol, which is way stronger than what I’m used to. But it was delicious. So I googled around online about it out of curiosity. Some people like to drink it by itself while others mix it into something. That sounded interesting, and I found out this chocolate-flavored one I picked up paired well with coffee. Hmm, sounded good! I made myself a decaf ice coffee last night and poured my hard drink into it, and gave it a taste. Now that was good! Very good! And it was a lot...