INFJ Weirdo: Therapy


At my therapist’s office today I had a hard time deciding where to sit in the waiting room. There’s a place I usually sit because it’s a perfect angle where I could see the door so I would know when she is ready for me without having to look around too much. But like... I always sit there. And I started wondering if she might think I’m weird because I always sit in the same chair in the waiting room. (And I just CANT have my therapist think I’m weird now can I ? 🤔)

I thought about sitting in a different spot. I sat in the corner closest to the door for a minute or two. But I realized that she might look into the room and not realize I was here because the room looked empty.

So I scanned the room, thinking about a better location, and ended up moving back to my usual spot just in time for her to walk in. Oh, snap. Did she catch me being weird? Because I specifically wanted to avoid her catching me being completely weird. Worse yet, was there a camera in the lobby? 😬 I didn’t even notice. What if they caught me panicking over which chair to sit in on video?

Y’all just bury me now. I may need way more than talk therapy. 🙃 


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