INFJ Weirdo

 Heart, Hand, Hands, Love, Symbol, Valentine, Shape


I am an INFJ weirdo. As such, I have spent some time gleaning some information about what that means. But if you were to ask me about the Fe Fi Fo Fum of it all, I don’t know and don’t care. Something about cognitive functions and blah blah blah. And this, funny enough, is a bit of what my personality type is all about. We tend to see the big picture, but find small details to be too tedious. 

So, I was first typed as a teenager by someone who came to my high school and handed out these stacks of paper with lots of questions on them and we had to answer each question on a scale of whether we strongly agreed, or strongly disagreed, or somewhere in between. At the end of the quiz, the lady went through how to score it up to see our results. Mine resulted in the letters INFJ. I had no idea what that meant at the time. And when she asked everyone to raise their hand as she called out each type if that was what they got, I was the only one in my class who received the INFJ. And when I read the little corresponding description of my personality type, I just kinda shrugged and thought, “yeah, I guess that kinda sounds like me,” but I paid little attention to it afterward.

A similar thing happened in college. One day a person showed up with the quizzes. We took them and tallied them up and again ended up with the INFJ result. There was, however, one other person in the room who was also INFJ. (Apparently, we’re pretty rare.) This time when I read the description, I found myself agreeing with it more. I guess a couple of years had either further developed my personality or allowed me to see myself a little more clearly. 

And then just recently, I had stumbled across an article on Yahoo or something regarding Myers-Briggs personality types and it made me wonder if I would be the same type now as over a decade ago in college. So I did some Google searching to see if I could find a quiz online to find out my type and I ended up at The result of that quiz was the same, INFJ, only this time they added an extra letter “A” at the end that apparently stands for assertive. The alternative letter would be a “T” which stands for turbulent. I feel like that’s pretty self-explanatory, but if you want more information, you can go check that out on their site. 

I liked the fact that the report at the end was pretty extensive, even for the free version. I did not pay for the premium version. I have also been looking up my INFJ personality type on other sites and YouTube channels and found that I can really relate to the content there to such an extent that it is almost freaky that there's people out there who are so much like me.

I am actually grateful to know that there are people in the world whose brains are wired like mine. 

I used to dislike myself and wished I was someone else. I used to think I was so odd and just not capable of fitting in. I thought maybe something was wrong with me, like maybe I had mental problems or something. 

And now I know many of you INFJs out there are strange in the exact same ways I am strange. Your quirks are a lot like my quirks. (Or maybe we all belong in the asylum together? That would be fun, wouldn’t it? 😊 BINGO!!)

And we apparently have a superpower?! How cool is that? I guess I always knew it was there but I didn’t know how to use it properly. And I also had no idea that everyone around me did not have the same empathic ability. So now I am learning to build better boundaries to protect myself and make sure that power works for me (and others) and not against me.

And so through all of this, I have decided I am glad to be me and I’m comfortable existing in my own skin. 

I have no affiliation with any of the typology sites. I don’t get any kind of kickback from you visiting one to take the personality quiz. But if you happen to take one and learn something about yourself, tell me in the comments section below what your results are. What can you tell me about you that would help me and others relate to you better? Tell me about your self discoveries.

Thanks for reading, y’all. Have a happy healthy day! 


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