I drank a "BuzzBallz" beverage...



Last night, I drank this liquor thing called a BuzzBallz. The weird round shape is what first caught my attention while shopping at the grocery store.  It sort of reminded me of the “thermal detonator” Diet Coke bottle I got at Disney. And if you know me, you’d know I’m a bit of a sucker for novelty. So when I found this little thing, I sort of shrugged and thought, “Why not? I’ll give it a try.” And ended up liking it except it made me sick. Lol. By itself, it was really too strong. It said 15% alcohol, which is way stronger than what I’m used to. But it was delicious.

So I googled around online about it out of curiosity. Some people like to drink it by itself while others mix it into something. That sounded interesting, and I found out this chocolate-flavored one I picked up paired well with coffee. Hmm, sounded good! I made myself a decaf ice coffee last night and poured my hard drink into it, and gave it a taste. Now that was good! Very good! And it was a lot better when it was diluted with less of an “alcohol” burn to it.

Problem is, I still can’t hold my alcohol, like at all. I drank about a quarter of the bottle thing, and then I started to not feel so good. It gave me a headache and nausea pretty quickly. (Pathetic, I know. Don’t take me drinking. It won't be fun for either of us.) I’ve never gotten sick to my stomach from alcohol before, so that was interesting. Took some ibuprofen and Pepto and ate a Graham cracker. That helped. And I slept SOOOO good last night. Deep sleep with a sweet dream. So I’m going to go on a rabbit trail here and tell you my very INFJ dream I had last night:

My dream was about some young man who was depressed and possibly going to try to hurt himself. I think I found out by watching a YouTube video or seeing something on social media, and decided I wanted to help. A friend of mine and I were driving around in our cars trying to find him before it was too late. We drove around all over town looking for him and kept texting each other about where we’d been looking. I ended up at a restaurant and was just starting to think we were never going to find him when I spotted him! I moved to sit closer and heard him asking people if they knew anything about guitars. They blew him off or ignored him.

“I play an acoustic,” I said. He perked up and looked at me. “I mean, I suck," I continued, "but I could teach you what I know.” He was so excited. He didn’t care that I was an awful guitar player, he only wanted someone to hang out with and talk to. I was in the middle of showing him my guitar apps on my phone when my stupid alarm went off in the real world. Dang. I liked that dream. I felt like I made a connection, and I helped someone feel better. I wished it was real.


So here I am journaling right after waking up from this dream. 

Anyway, back to that weird drink. I made the mistake of texting my husband who wasn't home at the time and telling him about the drink I was enjoying. I say mistake only because he immediately really wanted to try it and asked if I got him one. Oops, no I didn’t. It was just an impulse buy and I honestly didn’t think he would like it. He has never been into any kind of weird chocolatey drinks. But he was really bummed that I didn't get him one. Lol. I guess I should have impulse-bought two instead of one. My bad. No, actually, what I should have done is only drank half, because it was too strong for me, and let him have the other half. But, I don't know why, I just really liked it and wanted to finish it. Well, at least I tried to finish it... and failed. Even mixed with the iced coffee, it was better, but still way too much alcohol for me to finish in one sitting.

So, last night I put my leftover coffee drink thing in the fridge that I wouldn’t have been able to finish until much later today anyway because, you know, it's spiked and I had things to do today. I told my husband after he got home that he could finish it if he wanted. He said, “Oooh! I think I will.” And guys... my husband HATES iced coffee. Ha! Yeah, so I just totally didn’t see that coming at all. So on the one hand I’m a little bummed that it’s gone because it actually was delicious, but I’m okay with it because it made me sick and I'm probably better off not drinking any more of that stuff again for a long time. I think I’d be much happier with the flavor of that beverage without the effects of the alcohol.

This blog post has gone on some crazy tangents I just realized. But, it’s early morning. How cognizant are you first thing in the morning? Especially after drinking a spiked coffee. Lol. But like also, if you were to know me in real life, this is kind of how I am. A lot of my blog posts are well planned out and organized. My novels are very well planned out and organized and I’ve had other people helping me make sure it all goes smoothly… beta readers and whatnot. I just didn't feel like planning stuff out today. Today it's just me.

One thing is for sure, I will never be an alcoholic. I’m not sure I could ever really get drunk. Or if I’ve ever been “drunk”, it was last night I guess. I was intoxicated enough to know I couldn’t drive. I guess my point is, if I can’t finish a single drink, I’m not likely going to “take up drinking.” And actually, I like that about myself. It’s a temptation I don’t have to worry about. Not that there aren’t a myriad of other sins I am prone to… pride is probably one. I guess I’m proud of the fact I literally can’t be an alcoholic. But I honestly don’t think that makes me “better” than anyone else.

Well anyway, I gotta go have some breakfast and take my INTP 16 for another driving instruction.

Drop a comment below if you want to tell me about a time you tried something new.


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