Tea, Coffee, Teafee?

Do you like to drink tea, coffee, or both? How about trying them mixed together? Hear me out.

Usually, coffee is my main squeeze when it comes to hot beverages (or cold for that matter). I love coffee. But sometimes, I do enjoy an occasional cup of tea when the mood strikes me.

Last year for my Birthday, my amazing mother gifted me a loose leaf sampler set of August Teas. I ripped open each little packet to smell them and they all smelled so wonderful. I couldn't wait to try them. 

Well, long story short, none of them tasted quite as good as they smelled. They were okay, but not great in my opinion. So for the past year they've been sitting in my cupboard waiting for me to be in the mood to have a hot cup of meh. 

Usually when it comes to tea, my go-to favorite is a warming cup of chai. I like the bags of vanilla chai you can get from the grocery story. And I especially loved a chocolate chili chai I once tried when I walked into a tea shop in Canada called David's Teas. Ah-maz-ing!

So now that winter is coming around again at last, I find myself reaching for the hot drinks a lot more often to keep me warm. I tend to get cold easily. And about a week ago, I looked into my little cabinet and saw my sad little stash of August Teas looking lonely and unwanted. On a whim, I picked one up called Leather Bound, opened the packet, and sniffed it. It had a sweet spicy aroma that seemed quite pleasant in the packet. I just remembered it didn't taste half as fabulous as it smelled. But I decided to give it another go.

For some reason, a thought struck me that sometimes I like to add a dash of spice to my coffee and I wondered if somehow the Leather-bound tea might actually pair well mixed with coffee. But like... wasn't there some unwritten law about not mixing tea with coffee? Were the coffee gods going to come down and strike me dead for mixing tea with coffee? Surely this must be some great and terrible sin.

*Googles "mixing tea with coffee"*

Well it appears that it is generally frowned upon by yuppies. But there seemed to otherwise be no evidence of people dropping dead for putting coffee in their tea.

So I carefully spooned out a bit of the tea leaves into my strainer and also added a pinch or two of medium roast coffee grounds. Then I waited.

It smelled pretty good while it was brewing. And after a few minutes, I removed the strainer and took a sip. Hey, not bad! It had the fragrant spice of the tea with the boldness I love from the coffee. I added a drizzle of honey and a drop of milk. Not bad at all! It definitely took that meh tea up a notch. So now I've been enjoying my August teas with a pinch of coffee and I like them all that way.

So what about you? Would you ever consider mixing tea with coffee? If you've tried it, what blends have you done? If not, tell me what your favorite hot beverages are and if you've done anything to tweak them. 

~ ~ ~

Know what else mixes well with tea and coffee? Reading! There's just nothing like curling up with a cozy blanket, a warm mug, and your favorite story. And if you have not yet tried out the new Amazon reading platform called Kindle Vella, you are sorely missing out! Kindle Vella allows busy folks like you and me to enjoy stories in smaller bites than the big long chapters you would normally find in a novel. With Kindle Vella, you can log in, catch up on the latest episode of your favorite stories with a few minutes of reading, and be on your way. 

Don't know if this is a good fit for you? Try it for free and find out. Right now, the first three chapters (or episodes) of my book Legend of Sylphar, the Silver Queen are available on Vella right now for free. All you need is an amazon account to log in and start reading. Find it here -> https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B09J35M6D4

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Thanks for reading! Wishing you a safe and warm winter season!


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