Green Coffee

Speaking of weird coffee mix-ins, I bet I have another one most people don't do. I put chlorophyll in my coffee. Hear me out... 

That coffee is green, I mean GREEN! And you might be thinking... why would anyone mix chlorophyll in their coffee? Well I'll tell you.

I've got these crazy wild hormones that give me all kinds of trouble and I take many different supplements to try to control all the symptoms. One of my symptoms is that I bleed for 10 or more days each month. (TMI? Sorry.) If you’re a dude or a prepubescent female, 10 days is an absurdly long time to bleed.

I already have naturally low blood iron, so the constant bleeding really depletes my energy, gives me headaches, nausea, stuff like that. Us busy mommas don’t need that kind of added drama. Am I right?

So my fabulous physician, who is a naturopath MD, suggested I start taking a liquid chlorophyll supplement to help with clotting and slowing the bleeding. I picked up a bottle at the pharmacy on my way home.

I noticed that the bottle said it was minty. When I opened it and sniffed it, I found that it was VERY minty, like essence of Santa Claus minty. And the stuff left a very dark ring of green around my nose. Hey it’s a Christmas wreath! 

Often times around Christmas, I have enjoyed melting a candy cane into my coffee and adding a little chocolate syrup. I love mint and chocolate. And it goes so good in coffee. And so as I was wondering how best to take my chlorophyll supplement, I decided to dump a dose into my next cup of joe.

First off, it turned my coffee REALLY REALLY green. Which is weird. My kids and my hubby all look at it like it’s about to grow legs and run away. Ok, I agree, it looks pretty strange. But how does it taste?

Minty! It’s mostly just minty. There’s maybe a slight metallic tang. But it’s otherwise pretty good. A little chocolate syrup and whipped cream makes chlorophyll coffee a pretty tasty treat.

You wanna know something else? I find that I crave it throughout the day. I’ve always loved coffee, but oddly enough, I crave my chlorophyll coffee even more. It’s so weird.

Does it help? So, it’s only been one full month since I’ve been on it. And while I still bleed the same number of day, it does seem like the amount per day is significantly less, which is a relief. I’m not quite as tired either. There are many other health benefits to taking chlorophyll such as the fact that it is a powerful antioxidant and helps detox the body. It has been shown to reduce the risks of some kids of cancer. And I like taking it. Seems like a win win win to me.

Happy holidays everyone! Be safe and well!


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