Current Books

Legend of Sylphar, The Silver Queen

The peaceful planet of Sylphar has a few political challenges to overcome, but nothing that its new young ruler, Ariadne Sterling, can't handle. But then one day a strange distant world called Lyke sends a message to the Sylphs offering to open up trade between them. But the Lykens are not interested in trade, they want to capture Ariadne to learn a secret her grandfather has hidden from her all her life. She knows she was born different than all her people with special mental abilities no other Sylph has. What she doesn't know is that she was genetically engineered. There's been a conspiracy going on all along, and she has become a pawn in everyone's game.
 The Silver Queen is an action-packed odyssey, full of thrilling adventure and a touch of romance



Pona and the Valiant Veterinarian 
A cute children's story about a helpful horse and valiant veterinarian. 
Amazon paperback and Kindle:


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