The Origin of Pona's Name

  In my previous post, I mentioned that “Pona” was the name my oldest daughter AJ gave to one of her stuffed animals. But if you’re thinking ‘that name just sounds kind of familiar’, maybe there is a reason why. If you are familiar at all with popular video games, perhaps you have heard of one called The Legend of Zelda. Although I’m not much of a gamer, I do enjoy the story behind the Ocarina of Time game.

  AJ has often enjoyed watching her dad play around with Ocarina of Time some, especially the part when the character Link obtains a horse named Epona. When she was little, she pronounced it as “Pona” and then named one of her favorite stuffed horses after the character. The rest as they say is history.

  There you have it! “Pona” is a little girl’s mispronounced version of “Epona” from The Legend of Zelda game.  So if you happen to be familiar with or a fan of the game, maybe you’ll enjoy my little story that much more knowing where the name came from. :)

If you haven't already, checkout my new book Pona and the Valiant Veterinarian  on Amazon!


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