First Week of Homeschool

  Last week was our FIRST EVER week of home schooling for our 3rd grader and our PreK girls! It has been around 110° in Oklahoma City for the past few days, so we decided that it would be a great time to get started and enjoy a break later in the fall when it’s cooler.

  I’ve been a little nervous about the idea of homeschooling. I wasn’t sure if I was up to the task. But this week has been absolutely terrific and A.J. and L.A. LOVED schooling at home. 

  Because it was our first week, I didn’t break out the main curriculum I have selected just yet. Instead, we played math games together so A.J. could brush up on her math facts. We explored some current science articles produced and short videos by Answers in Genesis and discussed their impact. And we also discovered some “ancient ruins” in the yard where the girls had to make a conclusion about the history of a make believe family when they found some items buried in the dirt (I buried them beforehand).  This is just to name a few things we did to kick off our first week. This week has been similar to last week and we will bring out the official curriculum the first week of August and really get down to business!

  We are so excited to be on this new adventure and to be able to do school at our own pace and add a little fun back into the classroom! I will give updates throughout the school year on how we are progressing. Can’t wait to share that with you!

Archeology excavation

The number one question people always ask me is what curriculum I am using, so I thought I would provide that information here just in case any other curious minds would like to know.

Math – Saxon 3 for AJ, but for Laurie I will teach her a little lesson each day using manipulatives. My goal with her is to get her adding simple numbers by the end of the year.

Science – Answers in Genesis 

History – Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer

Language, Spelling, and Cursive – Abeka for A.J. and Easy Peasy for L.A.

I also plan to use Google and YouTube videos to find relevant content for our discussion. We are also going to use Easy Peasy, the free online curriculum site, for supplemental material and extra practice. Oh and I also picked up some PreK workbooks from the Dollar Tree! And I also have some old music books from when I learned to play piano and we are going to use them to learn to read music.

So there you have it. It’s a bit of a hodgepodge of things, but we are exploring a wide variety of subjects using cherry-picked curriculum that I think is going to be a perfect fit for our classroom.

   I’d be very happy to answer any questions in the comments regarding our learning style. Have a great week and stay cool!


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