The Clone Ranger: Episode 1

I'm currently working on an episodic story called "The Clone Ranger." In the past, stories were often published in newspapers as episodes, and I'll be following this tradition by writing serialized fiction and short stories that I'll share for free on my blog. "The Clone Ranger," revolves around Jack Unit 382, a clone who feels deeply isolated amidst a sea of identical faces. After the war, the clones were set free, expected to lead "normal" lives, but they had no idea what "normal" even meant. Struggling to find their purpose in a world where everyone is just like them, the clones yearn for a sense of individuality. This story explores how Jack Unit 382 embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to find his own identity amidst the overwhelming sameness. Journal Entry 653 I feel utterly lost. Not in a literal sense, but as I lie in bed, waiting for the wake-up timer to sound, my mind drifts aimlessly, like an abandoned es...