Find me on Kindle Vella!!


So, you've probably heard of Amazon. And may have heard about reading books on Kindle, but have you heard about the all-new Kindle Vella?

From the Kindle Vella website:

Introducing Kindle Vella

Kindle Vella brings you stories released one short episode at a time, available in the Kindle for iOS app and on

Things to look out for if you're new here:

Follow the stories you like to keep up with the latest from your favorite characters.

When you like an episode, give it a Thumbs Up to let the author and other readers know you liked it.

The first few episodes of every story are always free--after that, purchase Tokens  and redeem them to unlock episodes. Tokens may only be used to unlock Kindle Vella story episodes in the Kindle for iOS app and on

When you unlock episodes, you will receive one Fave  a week that you can award to the story you're enjoying most that week. We'll feature Top Faved stories so other readers can find them too.

So what that means is that Kindle is now allowing customers to access hundreds of stores in a "bite-size" format similar to how stories were released in newspapers and magazines when our grandparents were young. What that means for you, my friend, is a brand new addiction for you to enjoy.

As winter months are just ahead, everyone will be looking for ways to snuggle in and binge their favorite entertainment. These full-length novels broken down into smaller bits are going to be your new favorite binge.

While you're at it, be sure to check out my new novel that is now available on Vella! My prologue and first two episodes are FREE! While you are there, please click the "thumbs up" button at the bottom of each episode. 

About Legend of Sylphar, The Silver Queen:
The princess of Sylphar has a special ability the enemy wants to exploit for their own personal gain. She was abducted, tortured, and forced to marry the enemy prince. But maybe he's not so bad after all. Can she trust him to help her get home and save her people? Does he truly love her?

Happy binging!


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