Kid’s Choice Topic: Fuzzy socks

I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to write about today, so I asked my kids. They wanted me to talk about fuzzy socks. 

“Fuzzy socks?” I said. “How interesting! What do you like about fuzzy socks?” And my oldest daughter said “They keep my feet all toasty!” “Mine too!” said my youngest. 

But one problem I tend to have with fuzzy socks is that they tend to make your feet very slippery on our tile floors. “No problem,” my oldest says “the better for dancing in!” So I asked her to demonstrate what dancing in fuzzy socks looked like. She was absolutely right. The fact that fuzzy socks make your feet slippery is a positive instead of a negative because they are excellent for dancing. My youngest also displayed her best moves in her slippery socks.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been a child. Maybe I will have to put on my fuzzy socks and slip slide around the floor with my kiddos today.

What about you? What do you like best about fuzzy socks?


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