Careers Writing Activity: Using Our Imaginations!

For today’s activity, your students get to imagine themselves all grown up and doing a very important job! 

To begin, first have your student(s) give several examples of different careers and talk about what they do. Write them all down where the students can see (add more that you can think of). Then, tell them to choose a career and close their eyes and imagine doing that kind of job. *You could find a book at the library or go online to find more information about the career they have selected to write about. (see below)

Now to begin your writing activity, start with the sentence “If I were a ______, I would…” For example “If I were a veterinarian, I would take care of sick animals.” 

The next sentence (can be more than one, especially for older students) should describe how they intend to carry out that duty. "Whenever someone brings me their sick pet, I will do everything I can to help that pet get better."

The last sentence(s) states why they have chosen that career. “I would love to be a veterinarian because I enjoy taking care of animals.”

That's it! Let your students read what they have written and share in the excitement! 

*For older students, you may want to have them research their selected career a bit at the library or on a computer so that they can be a bit more detailed in their writing. Career selection is a subject that may be on the minds of older students anyway!

The object of these types of writing prompts is to help get imaginations flowing in young students. In early elementary levels, children often have difficulty transferring thoughts from their mind into writing. These types of exercises help train the brain to organize thoughts in order to put them into words. However, in certain future assignments, we will be applying the full creative writing process.

If you can get kids learning in a way that is fun and interesting, your little sweeties will stay active and engaged in their task! My personal homeschool motto is “Having fun while we learn!”

Did your student(s) enjoy this writing activity? Do you have any ideas for another writing or journal activity? Leave a comment and let me know!


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