
Showing posts with the label science fiction

Heavy is the Crown

  In Chapter 22 of Legend of Sylphar, The Silver Queen , the aftermath of a battle on Atlas leaves the Lyken camp shrouded in grief and loss. Amidst the somber atmosphere, Ariadne, the protagonist, follows Prince Theeson, who carries the weight of responsibility for his fallen soldiers. In a profound moment of vulnerability, she overhears his song of lament, revealing the depths of his sorrow and the burden of leadership. *** The voice grew louder as she followed her sense of him. Looking around some large boulders near the edge of the cliff, she spotted him. He was sitting on a large stone overlooking the canyon’s edge. And now she could hear the words to his song more clearly: The trees have fallen, and the rivers bleed. Oh, the weariness weighing in the heart of the king. Heavy his sorrows and heavy his cares. Heavy the burden that a king must bear. For sorrow’s his wine, and burden his bread. And heavier still, the crown on his head. *** The song portrays the weariness and emo

Prepare for Impact!

The Importance of Fiction in our Lives When we immerse ourselves in a good book, we often find that we come away changed. Whether it's a new perspective on life, or a newfound appreciation for our own world, fiction and fantasy have a way of impacting us deeply. In this post, I want to explore the ways in which fiction and fantasy can change our lives for the better. I sent this quote written on a birthday card to my son just before he moved into our home as a foster placement. I understood that he grew up in the system and was essentially raised by DHS and a myriad of foster homes and children’s homes. My son was alone in the world for most of his life. And yet, he still clung desperately to the hope that he would one day find a family. Part of what kept him going, he said, was his love of reading. And so one of the ways I have been able to reach out and encourage him is through the lens of fiction and to help him understand that even the “dragons” of his life can be defeated and

The Clone Ranger: Episode 4

    Journal Entry 657 It's strange how much I'm looking forward to going to work these days. I'm on a mission to find Black Bird Unit ZY98. He has information about Jack Maltus, the man who was cloned to create me and all the other Jacks. I need to know if I'm just one of many copies or if there's something unique about me. I need to discover my true identity. I hope to find the Bird who spoke to me at the party and see if he's willing to share what he knows about Maltus. Finally home. What a day it's been. I anxiously waited for my shift to end. As soon as it was over, I hurried towards G7, where I hoped to find Black Bird ZX98. The scent of freshly made soap wafted towards me even before I reached their door. I spotted Black Bird ZX98 walking along the path between our buildings, heading home. His copper hair gleamed like a newly minted bronze coin in the sunlight. "Excuse me," I called out. "Do you have a moment to talk?" He nodded and

The Clone Ranger: Episode 3

  Journal Entry 656 I stumbled out of bed this morning, skipping my usual routine. Last night's drinking had left my head spinning, but I had an urgent mission—to find Black Bird ZY98. I walked the familiar path, the grass worn down by countless factory workers' footsteps. The looming factory emerged before me, belching smoke and emitting a foul stench. If only I could escape this job, but we were all trapped without a choice. Just as I reached the entrance, Jack Unit 305 walked out. "Hey, 382," he greeted me. "United are we." "Hello, 305. United are we." "382, it's not time for your shift yet. Is something wrong?" "All is fine," I replied, not revealing my true intent. "I met a Black Bird Unit at the celebration yesterday, and we were having an intriguing conversation before we got interrupted. I wanted to find him and ask some questions." "You're looking for a Black Bird?" 305's eyes widened wit

The Clone Ranger: Episode 2

    Journal Entry 654 It has been 654 days since the treaty granting our freedom was signed, coinciding with the start of a new year on Raven 5. Some of the Jacks seem excited because the day number is in reverse sequence, making it New Year's Day. Although I don't see the significance, I don't want to diminish the small joys my fellow Jacks find in life. To observe the holiday, all factory workers, including the Jacks and the Black Birds, have been given the day off. We are obligated to attend a joint celebration this afternoon, with the consequence of losing a month's pay for refusal. Given the economic restrictions on this planet, that would be devastating. Plus, the promise of free booze serves as a decent incentive to endure the awkwardness of this gathering. During the war, the Black Birds and the Jacks were enemies, but now, we are expected to get along as if the conflict never happened. Yet, I can't help but feel a lingering hostility towards the Birds for t

The Clone Ranger: Episode 1

  I'm currently working on an episodic story called "The Clone Ranger." In the past, stories were often published in newspapers as episodes, and I'll be following this tradition by writing serialized fiction and short stories that I'll share for free on my blog. "The Clone Ranger," revolves around Jack Unit 382, a clone who feels deeply isolated amidst a sea of identical faces. After the war, the clones were set free, expected to lead "normal" lives, but they had no idea what "normal" even meant. Struggling to find their purpose in a world where everyone is just like them, the clones yearn for a sense of individuality. This story explores how Jack Unit 382 embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to find his own identity amidst the overwhelming sameness.       Journal Entry 653 I feel utterly lost. Not in a literal sense, but as I lie in bed, waiting for the wake-up timer to sound, my mind drifts aimlessly, like an abandoned es

Find me on Kindle Vella!!

WHAT IS IT? So, you've probably heard of Amazon. And may have heard about reading books on Kindle, but have you heard about the all-new Kindle Vella? From the Kindle Vella website: Introducing  Kindle Vella Kindle Vella brings you stories released one short episode at a time, available in the Kindle for iOS app and on Things to look out for if you're new here: Follow the stories you like  to keep up with the latest from your favorite characters. When you like an episode, give it a Thumbs Up  to let the author and other readers know you liked it. The first few episodes of every story are always free--after that, purchase Tokens   and redeem them to unlock episodes.  Tokens may only be used to unlock Kindle Vella story episodes in the Kindle for iOS app and on When you unlock episodes, you will receive one Fave   a week  that you can award to the story you're enjoying most that week. We'll feature Top Faved stories so other readers can find them to