I Love Fall: Poem

Today is the first day of fall! Who is ready for pumpkin pies and pumpkin spiced lattes and pumpkin scented candles and pumpkin... Okay, you get the idea, I love pumpkin EVERYTHING! To celebrate the autumnal equinox today, I have a new illustrated poem for you called "I Love Fall". Text I Love Fall by Brandi Peterson authorbrandipeterson.blogspot.com Whether you’re tall, Or whether you’re small, Everyone can appreciate the season of fall. The leaves change their lovely hues, As trees begin the season’s snooze. The squirrels scurry to collect their seeds, To store them up for winter feeds. The mums burst with blooms so bright, To paint the hillside, a dazzling sight! Momma makes some pumpkin pie. She loves fall, and so do I! If you enjoy my poems, you'll LOVE my book! Pona and the Valiant Veterinarian is now available on Amazon! Click the image below to see a preview of the book on Amazon.