I Remember 9-11

I don't usually post mid-week. But I was just reflecting today on what happened on this day 17 years ago and decided to write it all out because, well, that's what I do. So here is my 9-11 memory. If you have a memory, I would really like to read it and experience with you everything you went through. Please leave a comment with your 9-11 memory or link to where you have it typed somewhere. This is why writing was invented, so that people could share with one another. Please share with me. Everyone remembers where they were when the terrorist attack happened on 9-11. I too remember. I was in jr. high, first hour, in the choir room at Moore West Jr. High when the first plane struck. An announcement came over the intercom that teachers were allowed and encouraged to turn on the news if they happen to have a TV or radio in the room as there had just been a plane that had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, I do not think it was known at the time that it...