That Time She Shared Her Kids With A Stranger...

As mothers, one of the challenges we often face is protecting our children from unwanted attention from strangers. Even people who mean well can sometimes overstep the boundaries of your comfort zone when it comes to interacting with your children. But let me share with you a story of one young mother of twins who dared to let her guard down in a moment of compassion for a fellow human being and shared her children with a complete stranger. The following story was posted on a friend's social media account and I have obtained special permission from her to share it with you today. ====================================================================== I took the twins to Walmart today for our weekly grocery shopping. An older woman approached me in the cereal aisle, and I instantly sighed in annoyance because I knew the "typical twin questions" were about to start pouring out of her mouth. When I go out in public, I always plan for an additional 20 minutes just for a...